Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Will Obama be able to Deliver?

In a recent CNN opinion article "Can Obama deliver on inequality?", professors, columnists, CEO's, strategists and historians alike collaborate to share their opinions on the president's recent State of the Union address. 

I feel like this article is particularity insightful with many different perspectives, from people with very different professions, on the minimum wage increase, tax reform and congress's inability to perform adequately. I also think it's important to keep an open mind on major political issues and when I personally read this article, I found that my mind was opened to ideas that I have not previously considered.

For example, when I read the piece written by Julian Zelizer, I found myself considering the minimum wage increase, and how Obama's intentions will possibly cause Americans to as he puts it, "have a genuine chance to climb the ladder "of opportunity" to make it into the middle class and become self-sufficient." That would help people trying to make it in America, and I think that's that's great. We the people run our country, we may as well ensure financial stability to those who work here.

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